
  • 2008

    Local Immigration Partnerships

    Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) creates Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) as a way to systemize local engagement in the settlement and integration of newcomers. 

  • 2010

    Council Initiatives

    Edmonton City Council creates a Multiculturalism initiative in which Immigration and Settlement is a driving element, in addition to facility development (Multicultural Centres) and other activities.

  • 2013

    Call for Proposals

    CIC identifies LIPs as a regional priority for Alberta in their call for proposals. The City of Edmonton submits a proposal for funding to modernize the approach to settlement, and to include host populations in the settlement and integration experience of newcomers.

  • 2014

    Multi-sector Community Meeting

    City of Edmonton facilitates community-wide meetings to generate interest in LIP mandate.

  • 2014

    First Iteration of ELIP

    City of Edmonton receives three-year funding. This includes plans to host a Symposium, approach all levels of government for additional funding, and develop a 5- to 10-year comprehensive settlement strategy. The City hires a coordinator and several working groups are formed, including Health, Education and Employment.

  • 2015–2018

    The Edmonton Local Immigration Partnership (ELIP) focuses on a coordinated response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis, community consultations, and also reimagining the ELIP. The focus is the coordination of Stakeholders and Implementation of Community Action Plans based on the recommendations of community-commissioned reports (see Lessons from the Influx).

  • 2018

    ELIP Reimagined/Reboot

    After feedback from the community, the City of Edmonton decided to pause ELIP activities and restart with a more community-informed model. The Multicultural Family Resource Society (MFRS) joins the City of Edmonton and the Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO) in an interim arrangement to steward the operations of ELIP, understanding that a more permanent governance structure will be formed in the future. 

  • 2019

    A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is created between MFRS, ECVO, and the City of Edmonton. An ELIP Shared Secretariat is formed to convene the broader community and to foster coordination and collaboration in the immigration and settlement ecosystem.

ELIP Funding Cycle 2020–2025